When it comes to relaxing wrinkles in the face, Botox® Cosmetic has long had the corner on the market. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), Botox is the number one cosmetic procedure for women and men. In April, 2009, the FDA gave the go ahead for Dysport, a product similar to Botox. Although new to the U.S., Dysport has been used overseas for many years.
Both Botox and Dysport are botulinum toxin Type A, which when injected into the facial muscles, temporarily relax them which reduces fine lines and wrinkles. 3 units of Dysport® are equivalent to 1 unit of BOTOX®. So which product is the right one for you? We have used both products on patients and other than some people feeling that Dysport may have kicked in a little quicker, the real question patients want to know is “Which one lasts longer?” Each product may make a claim for how long it will last but the truth is it will vary from person to person. For some people, the muscles can stay relaxed for six months or more while others have very strong muscles that don’t seem to hold the product as long.
So it comes down to personal preference. What we do know is whether you choose Botox or Dysport, these types of products are the quickest, non surgical procedure that can give anyone’s face a refreshed look. We have patients in their 20s and 30s that use them as prevention before the lines get deeper. Older patients use it to relax the muscles and lines in the forehead, between the brows, around the eyes and the corners of the mouth.
When it comes to relaxing the wrinkles, you have a choice. But be sure you choose carefully when selecting the medical professional that does your injections. Although they are called a “quick-fix” you need a physician that is experienced at performing this procedure. At LJC, all injectables are done only by board certified plastic surgeons.