Skin Needs a Revamp
Prior to connecting with La Jolla Cosmetic, Lisa Burnstein (@thislifestyled) had sun damage around her hands and texture concerns on her face. She wanted to find a way to produce collagen and get her smooth, youthful skin back.
Lisa shared in an Instagram Story that she was impressed with how knowledgeable injector and laser specialist Julia Jowett, PA-C, is about all of the lasers LJC has and the specific uses for each of them. She sent photos of her problem area prior to her virtual consultation, and Julia came prepared with the best possible options for her needs.
The Best Provider for Skin Rejuvenation
Based on Lisa’s interest in face and hand rejuvenation, LJC immediately knew Julia would be the best provider to help her get her youthful skin back. Lisa’s rejuvenation process started with laser skin rejuvenation on her face, neck, upper chest, and hands using the HALO laser and BBL (BroadBand Light). The lasers targeted discoloration, sun damage, and rough texture. Next up, Julia used the ProFractional Laser on Lisa’s cheeks and chin to promote collagen stimulation in areas with acne scarring. Julia topped off Lisa’s skin rejuvenation process by adding Radiesse filler in the tops of her hands to make her skin texture appear plumper and conceal the appearance of veins.
Two weeks after her laser skin rejuvenation treatment, Lisa shared a first look at the results on her Instagram Story, using no filter and wearing only tinted sunscreen on her face.
“The things that I’m seeing immediately are really just smoother skin, brighter skin, definitely a big change in overall tone of my skin. It’s a much more even skin tone.”
– Lisa Burnstein
Lisa mentioned in her Instagram Story that within the two to six months after her treatment, she would start to see the new collagen as it built from the pro-fractional treatment.
Lisa shared with her followers how prepared and comfortable LJC made her feel during every part of her experience. She mentioned that LJC meticulously ensured she was well-prepared when sending her home after treatments, ensuring she had everything she needed to take care of her skin in her after-care kit.
“I was impressed with the entire process. From my video consultation to preparing for my procedure day to recovery support… they thoroughly had me covered. I had quality care & personalized service beyond my expectations. The PA, Julia, who did all of my treatments was highly skilled & so professional.”
– Lisa Burnstein

Lisa had close-up photos of her results taken at LJC two months after her laser skin rejuvenation treatment. She mentioned in the caption that her skin was smoother, her pores were smaller, and her complexion was significantly more even. She even noticed a substantial improvement in her skin where she had acne scarring that had built up several years ago. The sun damage on her hands also improved, giving them a more youthful look.
See Lisa’s Progress Photos Below: