Sculpt Away Stubborn Fat & Loose Skin After Weight Loss Injections

Weight loss injections like Ozempic®, Mounjaro®, and their generic forms—semaglutide and tirzepatide—have transcended Hollywood headlines to become household names and coveted solutions for rapid weight loss. These popular medications mimic natural hormones in the body by decreasing appetite, regulating blood sugar, and spurring significant weight loss.

But even when the numbers on the scale reach a personal low, your frustration can hit an all-time high when sagging, loose skin after weight loss prevents you from attaining your ideal body image. When you’re ready to complete your weight loss journey and (finally!) achieve your dream physique, body contouring procedures like CoolSculpting® Elite and skin tightening options like Morpheus8® RF microneedling can help!

What Rapid Weight Loss Does to Your Skin & Fat

Losing significant weight is a remarkable and satisfying accomplishment, whether you’ve had weight loss injections or lost weight through diet and exercise alone. But, dramatic weight loss often results in loose, sagging skin and isolated pockets of unwanted fat on the abdomen, flanks, back, buttocks, arms, and thighs. This occurs due to:

  • Loss of collagen and elastin fibers, which prevents skin from “bouncing back”
  • Composition changes in the skin due to weight fluctuation
  • Factors such as age and general health that further impact skin laxity
  • Uneven fat distribution
  • Fat that doesn’t respond to dietary changes

In addition to negatively affecting your self-esteem, loose skin after weight loss can cause other complications, such as chafing, irritation, and discomfort during physical activity. This prompts many weight loss patients to take action by exploring their body contouring and skin tightening options with LJC.

Before and After CoolSculpting® Elite at La Jolla Cosmetic Medical Spa.

Pockets of Stubborn Fat: CoolSculpting After Weight Loss

A body contouring procedure like CoolSculpting helps complete your weight loss journey by treating isolated pockets of fat resistant to weight loss, diet, and exercise. Using a process called cryolipolysis, CoolSculpting targets and freezes stubborn fat cells, which are gradually and naturally eliminated from your body through your lymphatic system. This approach refines and smooths your contours without surgery or downtime.

CoolSculpting results are usually noticeable in as little as one month, although it may take a couple of months longer to see your full results. You can preserve your sculpted physique permanently if you maintain a healthy weight and active lifestyle. Learn more about the benefits and buzz behind CoolSculpting in our related blog post.

Loose Skin: Morpheus8 RF Skin Tightening After Weight Loss

Just as semaglutide and tirzepatide have disrupted the way we approach weight loss today, RF microneedling treatments like Morpheus8 offer a game-changing approach to nonsurgical skin tightening. This cutting-edge treatment combines microneedling with radiofrequency technology to firm and tighten sagging skin on the face and body, including the upper arms, thighs, back, abdomen, bra bulge, and flanks.

Tiny needles penetrate the skin during treatment, emitting radiofrequency energy and creating micro-injuries that trigger collagen and elastin production for healthy skin regeneration. Compared to traditional microneedling, Morpheus8 reaches deeper for more pronounced toning and tightening after weight loss, profoundly improving skin laxity, firming skin, and diminishing stretch marks. You should begin noticing improvement within a few days of treatment, but full results may take up to a few months. Many patients benefit from a series of 3 to 5 treatments.

Complete Your Weight Loss Journey by Combining Treatments

At LJC, we always customize your aesthetic journey. This often entails combining treatments to help you achieve the wow factor you’re truly after. Because dramatic weight loss frequently results in loose skin and localized fat bulges, combining CoolSculpting with Morpheus8 is a synergistic approach that can help you address both concerns. We usually begin with CoolSculpting for fat reduction, followed by Morpheus8 microneedling to address residual skin laxity—it’s truly a win-win approach after weight loss.  

Get Started!

You’ve already achieved your goal weight after weight loss injections. So, are you ready to complete your body transformation with CoolSculpting, Morpheus8—or both? We’re ready to help! Request a consultation online or call us at (858) 788-7989 to get started!

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